Jan Pakistan retain Hockey World Cup at Bombay under Akhtar Rasool Jun First round of peace talks on Afghanistan begins at Geneva amid skepticism about its outcome Feb Agha Shahi resigns as Foreign Misnister, quoting medical resons; suspicion lurks that with his concern for Pakistan's non-alligned status he had fallen out of line with Zia as well as the US Sep 20 Jalaluddin becomes first bowler in one-day international history to record hat-trick, playing against Australia at Hyderabad Nov Pakistan win 11 medals, including three gold, at 9th Asian Games, New Delhi Dec 11 Prolific scorer Zaheer Abbas completes 100th century of test and first class cricket career, playing against India at Lahore. Dec General Zia makes his first visit presidential visit to the US
Kalashnikovs to the rescue The US and Pakistan seem to have evolved a new, happy partnership - Washington is providing Islamabad $600 million annual in military and economic aid, which is the highest after Israel, Egypt and Turkey. The Saudi aid is supposed to match this input and Pakistan seems to be doing a good job at keeping the Afghan resistence high. Meanwhile, the new CIA Chief William Casey and General Zia seem to have developed mutual respect and affection since Casey's visit to Pakistan earlier this year. It seems that the "red template" demonstration, which Zia usually makes before every visiting US dignitary, hasn't been lost on Casey - on a map of Central Asia, General Zia places a triangular red template covering much of southren Afghanistan and pointing towards the Arabian Sea from a juncture of Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan near Balochistan. The implication is that the real aim of Russian adventur in Afghanistan is to reach the "warm waters." While there is skepticism whether the traditional theory of warm waters holds true in the modern day, some detractors are also showing concern about alleged corruption and accusing the ISI personnel for diverting a substantial amount of the supply for personal use or for official Pakistani uses. Another concern is that after forcing the mujahideen to coalate into 7 "recognized" groups, the ISI is showing preference for the religiously fundamentalist groups among them. The top favorite is Gulbadeen Hikmatyar, an outspoken and vehemently anti-American Islamist radical. The Pakistani officials justify their division of arms by showing that the fundamentalists earn their share by doing most of the fighting, while the concerned critics within the US Department of State, such as the specialist on the Afghan business Eliza Van Hollen maintain that the fact that the fundamentalists received most of the arms results in their attracting the largest numbers of the fighters. Talking it out June. Peace talks over the issue of Afghanistan, which started this month, are still seen skeptically by all parties involved, who are more interested in pursuing the military course they have chalked out for themselves. The suggestion came from Pakistan last year, and is seen as a brainchild of Agha Shahi, who was the Foreign Minister at that time and urged Kurt Waldheim, who was the UN Secretary-General at that time, to initiate talks between all parties concerned. The proposal has been taken up by Waldheim's successor Javier Perez de Cuellar, who has to shuttle back and forth between Moscow, Kabul, Islamabad and Tehran, since the concerned parties are not willing to sit together nor does the Pakistani government even recognize the Kabul establishment. The US has decided to stay outside the talks - at least at this stage. Naturally, the success of these talks could undermine the vested interests of the more militant kind: the US policy is guided by "inflicting pain" on the Russians as a fitting revenge for Vietnam, while Pakistan seems happy with all the American dollars reeling into the country to help it keep the war "growing" in the neighboring Afghanistan. Politician murdered September 13 Zahoorul Hassan Bhopali murdered in Karachi; PPP accused. Objection sustained October 21 Martial Law authorities order press not to report cases under trial without prior permission. Squatter settlements December Survey reveals that 37 per cent of Karachi's population (over 223,000 households) lives in katchi abadis (squatter settlements); 10 per cent annual increase estimated Survey reveals that 37 per cent of Karachi's population (over 223,000 households) lives in katchi abadis (squatter settlements); 10 per cent annual increase estimated. |
Mean streets Following a rigid policy of pre-censorship on publications, political activists have founded a new channel to voice their opinions. This is street theatre. Among the first such productions is Aurat, written by Safdar Hashmi, directed by Ali Ahmed, produced by Sheema Kirmani with Samina Pirzada in the lead role. There have been a number of such performances throughout the country, organised by groups such as Ajoka and Dastak. We are the champions March Jehangir Khan brings Pakistan a record fifteenth British Open title through his first victory VIDEO GAMES MANIA hits cities Asia Cup Under Samiullah, Pakistan wins inaugural Asia Cup hockey tournament.
August 12 - 16 Led by skipper Imran Khan, Pakistan beat England at Lords, their first victory on English soil since 1954 Aga Khan Rural Support Programme The rural support programme recently launched by the Aga Khan Development Network is based on a participatory process.
December. Sindh's painter with a political conscience, A.R.Nagori, is invited to meet General Ziaul Haq at an exhibition to be held in Washington DC to commemorate Zia's first official visit to the US. Nagori arrives in DC armed with 50 canvases depicting the massacre in Palestine. Nagori claims these paintings were intended as allegories of "universal terror and treachery, of repressive forces in uniform, be they Zionist or soldiers of Islam." (Contributed by Firuza Pastakia)