Jan 1 Pakistani newspapers and journals banned in Afghanistan Jan 4 Pakistan recognizes the communist Peking government of China, which had claimed sovereignty last Oct 1. Jan Meeting of Commonwealth Foreign Ministers at Colombo moots the Colombo Plan for Co-operative Economic Development in South and South-East Asia. Mar 13-Apr 13 Constituent Assembly sessions (22 sittings) April 10 Constituent Assembly affirms the Liaquat-Nehru Pact accoreded in New Delhi by the 2 Prime Ministers on Apr 8 to guarantee protection to minotities in both countries May 3 PM Liaquat Ali Khan and First Lady Rana arrive in US Jun Defense expenditure reaches a 60% allocation of the national budget Jul 21 Three Norwegian and a Pakistani mountaineer are the first to reach 7,706m high Trich Mir, the highest peak of Hindu Kush and the 5th highest in the world Sep 30-Nov 28 Constituent Assembly sessions (16 sittings) Oct 30 PM inaugurates Peshawar University Dec 19 Premier Sugar Mills (Mardan), the largest in Asia, inauguarted by the GG
Liaquat - Nehru Pact April 8, New Delhi. Pakistani Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan and Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru sign pact for protection of minorities in both countries. Mr. and Mrs. Liaquat Ali Khan Visit the United States
They arrived in Washington D.C. on May 3, in the US Presidents special aircraft. The visit is described here as politically successful, but already there are seious questions in the minds of those who are concerned about the future direction of Pakistans foreign policy. Also, Liaquats statement supporting US action in Korea has not been taken in good spirit here, as it was made without consulting the Constituent Assembly or the cabinet. Is this a pointer that our profile in the international community will be shaded with a tinge of the capitalist superpowers foreign interests? Constitution clamour: Citizens demand elections Apprehensive over the delay in constitution making, many concerned citizens have demanded fresh elections. Entering the 3rd year of its existence Pakistan is still without a Constitution and the affairs of the state are being run ad hoc, on the basis of the India Act 1935, which is obviously insufficient to meet the needs of an independent country. The present Constituent Assembly was elected in 1946 in the United India, and the changed geography of the region understandably call for a fresh mandate from the people. India, the rival neighbour not only completed its constitution in 1949 but has also had an election since then, which has given a fresh mandate to Nehru. Will our leaders read the writing on the wall? Prime Minister bestows Sword of Honor on Cadet Aziz Bhatti as 1st batch passes out from Military Academy, Kakool. Six Year Plan Pakistan has hurriedly drawn up a Six-Year Plan envisaging an expenditure of Rs 2,600 million following the meeting of Commonwealth Foreign Ministers at Colombo earlier this year. The Plan envisages 32% of the development expenditure on agricultural development, 20% on transport and communications, 18% on fuel and power, 19% on industry and mining, and 11% on "social capital." |
January 30 Indonesian President Suekarno is the first foreign head of state to visit Pakistan; he is given a warm welcome but without national anthem, since Pakistan does not have one yet. Shah of Iran visits Pakistan; National Anthem played for the first time March 30. Hurriedly prepared by Ahmad Ghulam Chhagla, the national anthem of Pakistan was played for the first time today during the Shah of Iran's visit
April 17. National Museum was inaugurated today by Governor General Nazimuddin in the Frere Hall in the federal capital, Karachi. The world renowned Archaelogist Mortimer Wheeler was among those present on the occasion. Feudal support? June During his unofficial visit to London, the PM Liaquat has met Sikander Ali Shah, the exiled pir of Pagara (Sindh). The young Pir of Pagara has been living in England ever since the colonialists hanged his father. Liaquat has promised to restore the influence of Pir Sikander Ali Shah of Pagara if he comes back. The critics may see this as yet another step in the Pakistan Muslim League's effort to enlist feudal support in areas where it cannot command a democratic following.
Major-General Iftikhar Khan, who was nominated the first native Commander-in-Chief of Pakistan Army, has been killed in aircrash on his way to UK for attending refresher course. His next in command also died in the same accident.
Taseer passes away November 30, Lahore. Renowned poet, critic and educationist Mohammad Din Taseer passed away. His death is widely mourned in the literary circles of Lahore and elsewhere.