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The Writings of Khurram Ali Shafique

Iqbal - Tashkeely Daur, 1905-13 is the second book in the six-volume comprehensive biography of Dr. Sir Muhammad Iqbal in Urdu. It covers the formative years in the life of the Poet-Philosopher when he travelled to Europe for higher education, outgrew the mind of Europe and discovered the secret of the collective ego ("the spirit of all human beings" as Sir Syed Ahmad Khan had called it in 1873).

The comprehensive biography divides the life of Iqbal into five phases summarized by the author in his previous work Iqbal - An Illustrated Biography (2006). One book is proposed for each phase, and will be epilogued by a final volume covering the evolution of Iqbal's ideas since his demise:

  • Up to 1904: Early years
  • 1905-13: Formative years
  • 1914-22: the middle period
  • 1923-30: Peak years
  • 1931-38: Later years

In this series, Shafique has devised a new approach of biography-writing based on five principles: (a) include every known fact in order to empower the reader; (b) maintain chronological order to mirror the real life experience of "time"; (c) anthologize; (d) include significant events of the period; (e) produce fragmented narrative to mirror the ambiguities of life as well as its interconnectedness as found in the real world.

Iqbal: the Formative Years, 1905-13

Source: Iqbal - Tashkeely Daur, 1905-13 by Khurram Ali Shafique (2009). Iqbal Academy Pakistan, Lahore

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