of General (Rd) Gul Hassan
General Gul Hassan was serving as ambassador of Pakistan in Greece
in April 1977 when he resigned in the wake of the anti-Bhutto demonstrations
back home. He accused Bhutto for the break-up of Pakistan in 1971
and bent upon its complete annihilation now. The resignation was
much publicized in the world media and resulted in an FIR lodged
against the General in Pakistan.
Resignation Telegram
FIR against Gul Hasan
Resignation telegram of General
(Rd) Gul Hassan
Most Immediate
14 April 1977
Prime Minister House
From Ambassador for Prime Minister
The sooner you realise that you have miserably failed
people of Pakistan the better. You have precipitated calamitous
conditions in country resulting in wanton killings, destruction
of property and violation of human rights only to perpetuate yourself
in office. Agitation against you is growing rather than subsiding
as you had probably envisaged because of forces of terror you have
let loose in country in which you allegedly claim to have ushered
in democracy on assuming office on 20th December 71. Indeed you
have exploited nation to build up your own image and for self-aggrandisement.
Soon after assuming office in 71 it transpired that you were chief
architect in dismemberment of country and I pray to God that your
intentions which seem similar to those you harboured in 71 do not
materialise as it would leave 70 million of our people with no homeland
- which was achieved after endless sacrifices whilst you were still
in Bombay still desperately trying to secure Indian citizenship.
Opposition leaders and people have demanded your resignation
and holding of fresh elections under Army's supervision which is
only way to rid country of the crisis for which you are solely responsible.
Whereas you desire a dialogue with opposition leaders, let me tell
you in no uncertain terms that fact is that you have no credibility
left in what you say and do. So unless you meet the opposition demands
loss of life and property will continue. You appear to be under
erroneous impression that Army will come to your rescue. Recent
events in country should convince you that our Armed Forces did
not support the regimes of Ayub Khan and later Yahya Khan both of
whom belonged to its ranks. As far as your relations with Army are
concerned they are superficial because you have missed no opportunity
to make every effort covert and overt to malign Army ever since
you took reigns of power in December 71 and because of which I had
to resign as Commander in Chief of Army. Armed Forces have always
acted in best interests of country and not to prop up an unpopular
and unwanted authoritarian dictator like of which has never been
inflicted on our nation.
In view of this I find it incompatible with my conscience
to serve a government headed by you any longer. Do not misread this
as an opportunistic political venture on my part as I have only
taken this step in hope that this gesture of mine will add some
weight to those of millions of our nationals who have just about
had enough of your government which can be rightly termed as of
Bhutto, by Bhutto and for Bhutto and which in your terminology is
Gul Hassan
FIR Lodged Against General (Rd)
Gul Hassan
FIA No. 26.
PAKISTAN (First Information of A Cognizable Offence) Office of the
FIA/SIU Headquarters, Islamabad.
Case No. 9
1. Date and time of report: 5.5.1977 1430 Hours.
2. Place of occurrence: Athens (Greece).
3. Name and address of complainant or informer: Mr. S.K.Q. Naqvi,
Deputy Secy. Ministry of Interior, Govt of Pakistan, Islamabad.
4. Name and address of the accused: Lt. General (Retd) Gul Hassan,
former Ambassador of Pakistan in Greece.
5. Nature of offence: Rule 49 of Defence of Pakistan Rules, 1971.
6. Steps taken regarding investigation: Investigation taken up.
7. Result:
BRIEF FACTS: Copy of letter No. 10/10/770 Poll. I
(1) dated the 5th May, 1977 from Mr. S.K.Q. Naqvi, Deputy Secretary,
Ministry of Interior, Govt. of Pakistan, Islamabad endorsed by Director
General FIA:
SUBJECT: Registration of a case against Lt. General
(retd) Gul Hassan, former Ambassador of Pakistan in Greece.
I am directed to say that Lt. General (retd) Gul Hassan,
Ambassador of Pakistan in Greece resigned from the office through
a telegram addressed to the Prime Minister of Pakistan. In his telegram,
he, inter-alia, charged the Prime Minister for precipitating calamitous
conditions in the Country resulting in wanton killings, destruction
of property and violation of human rights only to perpetuate himself
in office. He charged that the Prime Minister was Chief Architect
in dismemberment of the country and had similar intentions about
the rest.
The news of the resignation with the reasons stated
by the Ambassador were flashed in the world press. The manner in
which General Gul Hassan pronounced his resignation in Greece and
his telegram amount to prejudicial acts, because these tend to bring
into hatred or contempt and excite disaffection towards the Government
established by law in Pakistan. This act of the former Ambassador
is punishable under rule 49 of the Defence of Pakistan Rules, 1971.
You are, therefore, requested to get a case registered
accordingly and investigated under intimation to this Division.
Your Obedient Servant,
Sd/-(S.K.Q. Naqvi)
Deputy Secretary
Tele: 26403
Deputy Director/Crime (Agha Hadi) for immediate necessary
Sd/-(M. Aslam Hayat) D.G. 5.5.77
The contents of the letter reproduced above, indicate
prima facie, the commission of an offence punishable under rule
49 of Defence of Pakistan Rules 1971. A case is accordingly registered
which I will investigate.
Sd/ (Agha Mohammad Hadi)
Deputy Director
No. HQ/SIU/77/Steno/76 to 81 Dated: 5.5.77
Copy to:
1. The Director General, FIA, Islamabad.
2. The Director (Crime) FIA, Hqrs., Islamabad.
3. The Deputy Secretary, Interior Division, Mr. S.K.Q. Naqvi.
4. D.M. Rawalpindi.
5. I.O.
6. Special Tribunal (For DPR Cases) Lahore.
Deputy Director
Federal Investigation Agency
Source: Memoirs of Lt. Gen. Gul Hassan
Oxford University Press, Karachi (1993)
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