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Ceasefire Resolution 1965

Pakistan and India fought their second war in 1965. The war started on 6 September after several minor clashes between the armies of the two countries earlier that year. The following resolution was passed by the Security Council of the United Nations on 20 September 1965, calling for an immediate ceasefire, which took place the very next day.

Resolution of The Security Council

20 September 1965

The Security Council

1. demands that a cease-fire should take effect on Wednesday, Sept. 22, 1965, at 0700 hours GMT, and calls upon both Governments to issue orders for a cease-fire at that moment and a subsequent withdrawal of all armed personnel back to the positions held by them before Aug. 5, 1965; 

2. requests the Secretary-General to provide the necessary assistance to ensure supervision of the cease-fire and withdrawal of all armed personnel; 

3. calls on all States to refrain from any action which might aggravate the situation in the area; 

4. decides to consider, as soon as operative paragraph 1 of the Council’s resolution of Sept. 6 has been implemented, what steps could be taken to assist towards a settlement of the political problem underlying the present conflict, and in the meantime calls on the two Governments to utilize all peaceful means, including those listed in Article 33 of the Charter, to this end; 

5. requests the Secretary-General to exert every possible effort to give effect to this resolution, to seek a peaceful solution, and to report to the Security Council thereon.”

Source: The Official Website of the Government of Pakistan

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