charges against the accused
The Government of Pakistan brought out the following
charge sheet against the accused in the Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case
in 1951, which was the first conspiracy in Pakistan to uproot democracy and install dictatorship (See also: Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case Act 1951).
Formal Charges
against the accused on trial before the
Special Tribunal
Names of the accused
- Ex. Major-General Akbar Khan
- Air Commodore M. K. Janjua
- Major-General Nazir Ahmed
- Brigadier Sadiq Khan
- Ex. Brigadier M. A. Latif Khan
- Lt. Col. Zia-ud-Din
- Lt. Col. Niaz Muhammad Arbab
- Captain Khizar Hay at
- Major Hassan Khan
- Major Ishaq Muhammad
- Captain Zafrullah Poshni
- Mrs. Nasim Akbar Khan
- Faiz Ahmed Faiz
- Syed Sajjad Zaheer
- Muhammad Hussain Ata (Absconder)
Charge No. 1
That you accused along with the absconding accused
Muhammad Hussain Ata and the two Approvers, namely, Lt. Col. Muhammad
Mohy-ud-Din Siddiq Raja and Major Khwaja Muhammad Eusoph Sethi between
July 1949, and March, 1951 at places specified in Charge No. 2 conspired
to commit the offence punishable under section 121 of the Pakistan
Penal Code (waging war against the King) or deprive the King of
the sovereignty of Pakistan or any part thereof or conspired to
overawe by means of criminal force or show of criminal force the
Central and/or the Provincial Governments in that your object was
to forcibly overthrow the Government established by Law in Pakistan
and substitute in its place rule by a Military Council; to capture
the Governor-General of Pakistan or the Hon'ble Prime Minister
of Pakistan, Mr Liaquat Ali Khan, and other important civil and
military officers of the Central as well as the Provincial Governments
of Pakistan and thereby committed an offence punishable under section
121-A of the Pakistan Penal Code.
Charge No. 2
That you accused above named along with Muhammad Hussain
Ata, the absconding accused, and the two Approvers, namely, Lt.
Col. Muhammad Mohy-ud-Din Siddiq Raja and Major Khwaja Muhammad
Eusoph Sethi between July 1949 and March 1951 at several places
inter-alia Murree, Rawalpindi, Attock, Abbottabad, Peshawar, abetted
the waging of war against the King in that you engaged yourselves
in a conspiracy for the waging of such war against the King and
that several acts, e.g., the preparation of Plan of Action by accused
No. 1, the collection of men for the purpose of waging such war
etc., took place in pursuance of that conspiracy and in order to
the carrying out of the purposes of such conspiracy and thereby
committed an offence punishable under section 121 of the Pakistan
Penal Code.
Charge No. 3
(i) That you accused Nos. 1, and 3 to 11 being subject
to the Indian Army Act VIII of 1911 conspired amongst yourselves
and possibly with some other persons for the purpose of causing
a mutiny or of joining in such mutiny in the Armed Forces and thus
committed an offence punishable under section 27 of the Indian Army
Act, 1911;
(ii) that you accused No. 2 being subject to the Indian
Air Force Act XIV of 1932 in conspiracy with the accused mentioned
in the charge instigated and incited persons for the causing of
mutiny in the Armed Forces and thereby committed an offence punishable
under section 35 of the Indian Air Force Act 1932; and
(iii) that you accused Nos. 12, 13 and 14 engaged
with one or more of the accused persons specified in sections (i)
and (ii) of this Charge in a conspiracy for the purpose of causing
mutiny in the Armed Forces, in pursuance of which certain overt
acts as specified in Charge 2 were performed, and thereby committed
an offence punishable under section 131 of the Pakistan Code.
Charge No. 4
(i) That you, accused Nos. 1 and 3 to 11 being subject
to the Indian Army Act, 1911, knowing or having reason to believe
in the existence of an intention to mutiny, or a conspiracy against
the State, did not without delay give information thereof to your
Commanding Officer or other superior officer, and thereby committed
an offence punishable under section 27 of the Indian Army Act, 1911;
(ii) that you accused No. 2, being subject to the
Indian Air Force Act, 1932, knowing or having reason to believe
in the existence of an intention or conspiracy to commit or cause
a mutiny, failed to give information thereof to your superior officer,
and thereby committed an offence punishable under section 35 of
the Indian Air Force Act, 1932;
(iii) that you accused Nos. 12, 13 and 14 being aware
of a design to wage war against the King, and being bound by virtue
of section 44, Criminal Procedure Code, 1898, to give information
thereof, concealed the existence of such design, intending by such
concealment to facilitate or knowing it to be likely that such concealment
will facilitate the waging of such war, and thereby committed
an offence punishable under section 123 of the Pakistan Penal
Charge No. 5
That you accused above named along with the absconding
accused and the two Approvers between July 1949, and March, 1951,
at places mentioned in Charge No. 2 with the intention of inducing
or compelling the Governor-General of Pakistan, the Governors
of Provinces and/or the members of the Council of Ministers of the
Governor-General of Pakistan to exercise or refrain from exercising
in any manner, any of their lawful functions as such Governor-General,
Governors or Ministers conspired to assault or to wrongfully restrain
or overawe by means of criminal force or show of criminal force
or conspired to attempt to so assault, wrongfully restrain or overawe
the Governor-General, Governors of Provinces or the said Ministers,
and thereby committed an offence punishable under section 124/120-B
of the Pakistan Penal Code.
Charge No. 6
That you accused Nos. 1,12 and 14 in pursuance of
the object of conspiracy mentioned in Charges Nos. 1, 2, and 5 at
the time and places mentioned above by words, either spoken, or
written, brought or attempted to bring into hatred or contempt the
Government of Pakistan or excited or attempted to excite disaffection
towards the Government established by Law in Pakistan, and
thereby committed an offence punishable under section 124-A
of the Pakistan Penal Code.
Charge No. 7
That you accused Nos. 1 and 12 in pursuance of the
conspiracies mentioned in Charges Nos. 1, 2 and 3 made preparations
to wage war by collecting men with the intention of waging such
war against the King, and thereby committed an offence punishable
under section 122 of the Pakistan Penal Code.
Charge No. 8
That you the fourteen accused persons above named
along with Muhammad Hussain Ata absconding accused and the two Approvers
in pursuance of the objects of the conspiracy as mentioned in Charge
No. 1 further agreed to murder such persons as may resist the execution
of your Plan to overthrow the Government established by Law in Pakistan
and substitute in its place military dictatorship: in particular
you agreed that Khan Qurban Alt Khan, PSP, Inspector-General of
Police, Punjab, and Mr G. R. Mellor, PSP, now Senior Superintendent
of Police, Quetta, should be shot as soon as they were arrested.
You further agreed that the Governor-General of Pakistan, the Prime
Minister of Pakistan, the Governors of Provinces and Ministers
of the Central and the Provincial Governments should be abducted
and wrongfully confined and compelled to issue such proclamations
or statements as may be required for the purpose of fulfilling
the object of the conspiracy and thereby committed offences punishable
under sections 302 read with Section 120-B, 365 read with Section
120-B, 342 read with Section 120-B of the Pakistan Penal Code.
Source: The Times and Trial of the Rawalpindi
Conspiracy 1951.
Oxford University Press (Karachi) 1998.
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